Frequently asked questions

We try our best to be the most transparent as possible. If you don't find an answer to your question here, please contact us by email at [email protected].

What is ? is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform allowing anyone to create a beautiful web audio player. You can customize your web page to make it unique and give it the colors of your brand. We put a lot of work in creating efficient web players with different features.

Our main objective is to give you the tools to manage and operate your webradio page. We do not provide any audio streaming platform.

Is it free ?

Yes! You can register your webradio now and see it live for free! You can even plug your audio streaming system in order to display the current playing artist and title on the page.

With the free version of the platform you can create up to 3 WebRadio pages.

The paid versions will give more advanced features. Go to our pricing page to know more.

May I use Paypal ?

For several reasons, Paypal is not a supported option at yet.

Our current payment provider is Stripe, a very secure and fast payment solution. Stripe lets you pay in real time with your credit card.

Who is behind this?

Actually, it's only one guy, me. Hello, I'm Clément, web developer from Belgium. I run a small IT company in web consultancy. I created this platform because I own a webradio and I wanted to build a tool where I could choose the design of the player easily.

You can find out more about me on my website.

I love! How can I help?

Thanks! Most companies spend thousands on marketing to tell the world about their products. only has a few ads; we rely a lot more on word of mouth. If you enjoy the site, please tell your friends. Send an email, or tweet out a link to the site. It's the best thing you can do!